Ignacio Béjar in the 1st MEETING OF THE GALACTIC CONFEDERATION OF LIGHT in Carlos Paz (Argentina)
6 January, 2018
Workshop pf HEALING SUFI MUSIC in VIBROACUSTICA Center, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
6 January, 2018A profound experience of healing, at a holistic level, through the music created at the moment using Eastern instruments and musical scales with healing properties, as applied by doctors in hospitals in Al-Andalus and the Middle East, to treat all kinds of ailments and to help the expansion of consciousness.
Oriental music therapy technique that was rescued and developed by Dr. Oruç Guvenç from Istanbul, of which I have been a student, and whose dissemination work I have been doing for 14 years.
This workshop proposes an initiation by means of music, vibration and energy where a personal process of renewal and internal growth is initiated that brings important changes to the person, which allows him to improve the different aspects of his life and develop another broader perspective of their problems and of themselves, as well as an awakening of consciousness that helps them, in many cases, to understand their purpose of life.
IMPART: Ignacio Béjar
DURATION: 3 hours
INSTRUMENTS: Ney (flute of reed), Oud (Arab Lute), Rebab, Tibetan Bowls, Turkish Clarinet, Voice, Difonic Chant.
WHEN: Saturday, December 9 at 11: 00h
WHERE: Estancia Park “La Quinta”. Villa Carlos Paz (Córdoba) Argentina
PRICE: $ 450