WHIRLING DERVISHES INITIATION Workshop With Sufi Music Live in Malaga
30 August, 2019
SUFI MUSIC THERAPY workshop in YANTRA, Yoga Center. Malaga
30 August, 2019BE ONE With Sufi Music and Dance
4-hour workshop
An experience of Unity through:
– the spontaneous creative dance expressing ourselves from the heart to awaken the consciousness of our true being, in unison with the music created at the time by Ignacio Bejar.
– And a session of Musca Sufi Healing receptive feeling the regenerative and beneficial properties of this music for our body and soul, based on the ancient science of makams and practices of Pythagoras.
Returning to the Source
IMPARTS: Ignacio Béjar (Multi instrumentalist, Composer and Investigator of the healing power of Sacred Music)
INSTRUMENTS: Ney, Oud, Rebab, Panderos, Santur, Harmonium, Voice, Turkish Clarinet.
WHEN: Saturday 16 March from 17:30 to 21:30h
PRICE: 35€ (Limited places) Advance booking required
WHERE: CENTRO AGAPE C/ Alameda Principal nº 21, 4ª planta. Room 404, Málaga
INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS: 664 569 044 / 658 921 373