Benefit Concert in Casablanca (Morocco)
30 August, 2019
BEING ONE with SUFI MUSIC AND DANCE, at Centro Agape in Malaga
30 August, 2019A passing ritual for these times of change and transformation to bring blessings into our lives at this time through music, dance and poetry, just as Mevlana Rumi did.
If you have never participated in a SEMA meeting (Dervish turn) now you have an opportunity to do it, to take out your wings and fly in the dance of Love with all attendees, with live music, connecting with the essence of this healing ritual that the Sufi have practiced for centuries and is a form of meditation and prayer in motion to unite Heaven and Earth.
A way to participate actively in this Sufi ritual to synchronize with the turn of the earth, galaxies and atoms. A feast of Love and Unity using Sufi music from Turkey, classical Sufi tradition themes specially composed for this ceremony with traditional instruments played live.
A celebration of Life, from joy, to unite hearts in a new harmony, leaving behind the old to receive the new energies that are coming to earth and humanity.
Turning we become one with the planet, with the galaxies, with the atoms… and we create a bridge between Heaven and Earth.
A form of inner healing and alchemy activating the fire of the heart through the beauty of sacred ritual art (inspired music, dance and poetry).
IMPARTE: Ignacio Béjar
INSTRUMENTS: Ney, Oud, Rebab, Panderos, Santur, Harmonium, Voice, Turkish Clarinet.
WHEN: Saturday 9 February at 18:00h
PRICE: 20€ (Limited places) Advance booking required
WHERE: CENTRO AGAPE C/ Alameda Principal nº 21, 4ª planta. Room 404, Málaga
INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS: 664 569 044 / 658 921 373