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‘Poetry in motion: In the footprints of Ibn Arabi’, Murcia 18-20 Oct.
‘Poesía en movimiento: Tras las huellas de Ibn Arabi’
A MIAS-LATINA – MIAS SUMMER SCHOOL SYMPOSIUM in English language (except Friday in Spanish).
In conjunction with the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society UK & MIAS Education
Dates: 18th (Friday), 19th (Saturday) & 20th (Sunday) October 20th
Programme / Programa
Friday 18, 5 p.m. Guided visit (in English) to the Museo Santa Clara (associated with Ibn Mardanish).
CITY MUSEUM / MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD de Murcia (All sessions take place in the Salón de Actos of the Museo de la Ciudadunless otherwise specified in the programme). Plaza Agustinas, 7, 30005 Murcia.
Friday 18, 5 p.m. Guided visit (in English) to the Museo Santa Clara (associated with Ibn Mardanish).
CITY MUSEUM / MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD de Murcia (All sessions take place in the Salón de Actos of the Museo de la Ciudadunless otherwise specified in the programme). Plaza Agustinas, 7, 30005 Murcia.
Viernes 18 Tarde (sesión en español) / Friday 18 Evening, 6 p.m. (in Spanish). MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD
El camino de la poesía en Ibn Arabi: Recital de poesía de Ibn Arabi de Murcia, acompañada de música, a cargo de Ignacio Béjar y Pablo Beneito (UMU, presentación, traducción de textos y lectura).
Recital of Sufi music and poetry by Ibn Arabi of Murcia, by Ignacio Béjar and Pablo Beneito (UMU, translation of texts and reading).
Abierto a todos los públicos.
Saturday 19 Morning. Museo de la Ciudad.
10:00 Welcoming and inscriptions. Musical interludes with Ignacio Béjar.
First session. ‘Inspirations’. Talks from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
10: 15 Opening by Richard Twinch (MIAS-UK) and Pablo Beneito (UMU, MIAS-Latina).
10:30 Ana Ludovico (MIAS Education): The Lam-Alif and the garment of opposites in Ibn Arabi.
11:00 Cecilia Twinch (MIAS-UK): Inspirations ‘from behind the door’.
11:30 Questions and sharing.
12:00 Coffee break.
12:30 Amina González (UMU, MIAS-Latina): On Direct Divine Speach (fahwâniyya) in Ibn Arabi’s ‘Book of the Real’ (Kitàb al-Haqq).
13:00 Omar Zein (MIAS-Latina/Italy) – The Symbol and the Symbolised: Traditional Symbolism in Art and Poetry.
13:30 Questions and sharing.
14:00- Lunch time.
Saturday 19 afternoon
4 p.m. Alternative guided visit (in English) to the Museo Santa Clara (associated with Ibn Mardanish).
Second session (at the Museo de la Ciudad). ‘Creative Encounters with Ibn Arabi’: Talks and music, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
17:00 Federico Salvaggio (Univ. Udine, MIAS-Latina/Italy): Ibn Arabi and the Sufi Path of Language.
17:30 Fabrizio Boscaglia (Univ. Lusófona de Lisboa, MIAS-Latina/Portugal): Ibn Arabi and the Path of Saudade.
18:00 Questions and sharing.
Concierto de música sufí / Concert of Sufi Music: Museo de la Ciudad
18:30-20:00 Heaven on Earth – Concert of Sufi Music by Ignacio Béjar (Ney, ‘ud, rebab, soprano saxophone, Turkish clarinet, lyre, voice, harmonium, diphonic singing. Traditional Sufi music from Turkey and personal compositions of Sufi inspiration with accompaniment of different instruments from the East and the Mediterranean). At the Patio of the Museo de la Ciudad.
Ignacio Béjar: Ney, ‘ud, rebab, saxo soprano, clarinete turco, lira, voz, harmonium, canto difónico. Música tradicional sufí de Turquía y composiciones propias de inspiración sufí con acompañamiento de diferentes instrumentos de Oriente y del Mediterráneo.
Concierto abierto al público general.
Sunday 20 morning
‘At the Murcia of Ibn Arabi’. Walking tour of the old city with Pablo and Amina, including visits to:
10:00 –Madina Mursiya (Plaza de Santa Eulalia)
10:30 –San Juan de Dios (associated with Ibn Mardanish),
and the Cathedral (on the site of the old Friday mosque).
Musical interludes during the tour with Ignacio Béjar.
Museo de la Ciudad:
12:00 Marco Golfetto (Università di Milano): The genesis of Ibn Arabi’s books: the case of the Fusûs.
12:30 Poetry Worshop with Nükhet Kardam (speaking on ‘Music and poetry’) & Friends (Ana Ludovico, Yafiah Katherine Randall and Richard Twinch) with music by Ignacio Béjar.
13:45. Conclusions and closure.
Booking via Eventbrite
Los miembros de MIAS-Latina no necesitan inscripción y podrán solicitar presencialmente dos números gratuitos de la revista El Azufre Rojo.
Dirección académica/Academic direction: Ana Ludovico, Richard Twinch & Pablo Beneito.
Organizan/Organized by: MIAS-Latina, MIAS-UK & MIAS Education.
Colaboran: Museo de la Ciudad de Murcia, Museo Santa Clara, Conjunto Monumental San Juan de Dios.