Conference THE REALIZED BEING in Centro Agape (Málaga)
30 August, 2019
Workshop on HEALING WITH SUFI MUSIC at the XXXX MEETING IN AVILA, “Connection and Transformation”.
30 August, 2019“The heart of man is a musical instrument, it contains a great music, asleep, but it is there, waiting for the right moment to be interpreted, expressed, sung, danced. And it is through Love that moment comes.”
Mevlana Rumi
Since ancient times, music in all cultures has been created as part of a ritual to connect with the magical and spiritual world, in special places considered sacred temples.
At designated times, such as the summer solstice, purification rituals were performed to harmonize attendees and bring the blessings of earth and heaven, initiation ceremonies that marked the beginning of something new.
The Menga dolmen was one of these places of power.
On Saturday 22 June at 21:00h Ignacio Bejar proposes to live a ritual of harmonization through Sufi Music, heir to the essence of the sacred traditions of the Mediterranean since the time of Pythagoras, the temples of Aesculapius and Apollo, and the Bi-Maristans (centers of sanction) of the Islamic world and Al Andalus.
IMPART: Ignacio Bejar
Musician, therapist, researcher and disseminator of the healing power of music in the cultures of the Middle East, Central Asia and Al Andalus.
The disciple has been Dr. Oruç Guvenç of Istanbul, Sufi master and doctor in clinical psychology who rescued the ancient science of Oriental Music Therapy that used Sufi music in the ancient hospitals of the Mediterranean.
Ignacio gives workshops and concerts at an international level.
FREE ENTRANCE until full capacity.
Maximum capacity 50 people.
To reserve it is essential to write to the post office: